Soga Multi Function Army Knife Tool Swiss Style 107
- Large Knife Blade Small Knife Blade
- Bit Wrench
- Bit Case
- 5Mm Hex Socket
- 4Mm Hex Socket
- #8 Torx Bit
- #10 Torx Bit
- #15 Torx Bit
- #2 Phillips Head 4Mm Hex Bit 4Mm Flat Head
- #0 Pozidrive Bit
- #1 Pozidrive Bit
- Piliers
- Wire Cutter
- Wire Crimper
- Scissors
- Can Opender
- Small Screwdriver
- Bottle Opener
- Large Screwdriver 6Mm
- Wire Stripper
- Reamer
- Sewing Eye
- Corkscrew
- Hook
- Mini Screwdriver
- Keyring
- 1 X 100% Stainless Steel Multi Function Knife
You Must Be 18 Years Or Older In Order To Purchase Knives In Nsw And Most Other Australian States And Territories. It Is The Buyer’S Obligation That They Ensure They Know Their States Rules And Regulation In Regards To Knives And To Make Sure They Are Not Breaking The Law By Purchasing Knives Through Mosaic Brands And Its Subsidiaries, Including Its Third Party Marketplace Sellers. Mosaic Brands, Its Subsidiaries And Third Party Marketplace Sellers Will Not Take Any Responsibility For False Representation By The Buyer. By Participating On This Website And Purchasing Knives, You Agree That You Are 18 Years Or Older And Understand The Rules And Regulations In Relation To Knives In Your Own State Or Territory.
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